Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Youth Building Update

Just a short update on the Youth Building fundraising. It was reported Sunday at church that over $2,400 was deposited into the Youth fund. We want to say thank you to EVERYONE who has helped with raising the money. Whether you sold tickets, bought a dinner, helped cook the food, delivered on Friday, or just donated money or time; THANK YOU SO MUCH! God is going to reach many Youth in our community through this ministry.

Work continues on the building Thanks to Mr. Donnie Peters and Mr. Rodney Russell for all of their long hours they have put into this building. We appreciate your hard work! God Bless y'all!!!

We LOVE y'all!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Members Monday

The Smead Family: Jenny, Ross, Captain

Jenny teaches the Sparks in AWANA clubs on Wednesday nights. Captain plays guitar, helps with the Youth, and sings in the group New Reason,. Ross is in the Sparks class in AWANA clubs. We enjoy having this family being apart of our church and each one of them has been a blessing to us. Thanks for all your hard work!! We Love y'all!!!

When did you become a member of Temple Baptist Church?  
Jenny: I have went to this church my entire life, but I actually was saved and became a member in July of 1995. Captain and I left for a short period of time to go to Mt. Lebanon where we were in charge of the Youth. We came back to Temple in the Fall of 2000. 

Captain: I think I was about 17 years old. I became a member and moved to Mt. Lebanon and then came back a little over 10 1/2 years ago.

What is your favorite Bible verse?
Jenny: Philippians 4:13
Captain: I John 1:9

If you did not have chores or work responsibilities to do, what would you do on a Saturday?
Jenny: I like to just curl up on the couch and watch a good movie. Now if it is football season all you'll catch me watching is football (all day). 

Captain: I enjoy hunting, fishing, hanging out with Ross and singing gospel music.

Ross: He lives to play sports (whatever is in season). He also likes to hang out with his dad.

What is one thing you would like the members of Temple Baptist Church to know about you?
Jenny & Captain: We want them to know we love them very much. We want them to know they can call anytime and we will do what we can for them.

How can we pray for you?
Captain: I feel prayers from my church family with the support they show towards my ministry of singing.


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